Travel to the South Pacific is spectacular at the best of times – from the pristine beaches and blue waters to the lush rainforests and expansive mountains - but holidays in this region are made even more meaningful when the unique wildlife come out to play.
The South Pacific is a hot-spot of Sea Turtle activity due to the ideal tropical climate and the excess of natural resources. The gentile nature of Sea Turtles makes them some of the safest marine animals for human interaction, which is why activities such as feeding, hatchling viewing and swimming are highly regarded experiences.
It is important to be environmentally conscious when seeking out Turtle-related experiences, as many companies around the world exploit their local Turtle population as a tourist attraction and their practices put the already endangered species at risk in pursuit of profits. Many countries and businesses in the South Pacific are taking an active approach to ensure the safety of their marine animals, and the education of tourists and locals alike to facilitate the survival of the species.
Some of our favourite organisations include:
Ariki Adventures – Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Ariki Adventures are a local tour company that operate in the main island of Rarotonga in the Cook Islands. They have won multiple Eco-Adventure Tourism Awards and offer the Cook Islands’ only ‘Official Quality Assured Turtle Tours’ – commendations that they have earned by ensuring the safety of the Turtles in their natural sanctuary and allowing guests to interact with the friendly creatures in a strict no-touching manner.
Their ‘Turtle Swim’ and ‘Turtle Adventure’ experiences aim to educate guests on the environmental threats facing turtles and the company’s efforts to preserve their natural resources.
They also utilise eco-friendly sea scooters on their tours, making the adventure accessible for those who are not strong or confident swimmers.
Check out packages to The Cook Islands
The Auala Green Turtle Conservation – Savai’i, Samoa
Located on the northwest coast of the island of Savai’i in beautiful Samoa is the largest Turtle Conservatory in the world – the Auala Green Turtle Conservation.
Operated by the local villagers, the Conservatory serves a dual purpose of rehabilitating sick and injured turtles, as well as offering Turtle Swimming and Turtle Feeding experiences to visitors, the cost of which enables them to continue in their preservation efforts. Their experiences are also very child friendly, allowing the little ones to form a connection with these creatures from a young age.
This Turtle Conservatory is accessible either via car when staying on Savai’i or via day trips from the main island of Upolu – making it easy to visit while travelling Samoa.
Arnavon Community Marine Park – Arnavon Islands, Solomon Islands
In the small outer region of the Arnavon Islands, the Arnavon Community Marine Park is a passion project run by the local indigenous communities with the purpose of preserving and protecting the Turtles and other marine life. The islands within this small cluster are favoured amongst Hawksbill Turtles, who nest on the beaches all year around. It is estimated that 1200 Hawksbill Turtle nests are laid every year in the Arnavons group[1]
The Marine Park invites visitors to join them on nightly patrols of the beach in protection of the hatching eggs, offering a hands-on approach to teaching about the threats to the local Turtle population. Well-timed guests will also be able to witness the hatchlings emerge from their beach nests.
While it is a significant journey to visit the Marine Park from the major townships, travellers visiting the main regions of the Solomon Islands will still be able to witness the effect that the Arnavon Islands’ work has had on the local Turtle population.
Check out packages to the Solomon Islands
The best thing you can do for the wildlife in the South Pacific is travel – tourism boosts local economies and offers the opportunity for organisations like the above grow their resources and expand their reach. Firsthand interactions with Sea Turtles are an incomparable experience and will no doubt be the highlight of your South Pacific adventure.
Let us help you with your dream Sea Turtle experience today!
Contact the team at Spacifica Travel today to secure your dream holiday